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5 Most Powerful Fixed Blade Knives

Fixed Blade Knives

· Fixed Blade Knives
fixed blade knives

Fixed blade knives are the most commonly used knives. These knives have blades fixed to their handles. The blades can’t move to fold into their handles. These are often compared with folding knives, the blade of which can be folded into the handles.

The concern with these knives is that they are hard to carry, and you need to carry them while putting on a leather sheath. However, these knives are powerful, and are used for heavy duty cutting. I have come up with a list of five most powerful fixed blade knives in 2020. Here are my top picks:

1. Bowie Knife

Bowie knife is basically a fighting and combat knife. It has a very powerful blade that can tear someone apart in a matter of minutes. It was created by James Black for Jim Bowie to help him win the sandbar fight, and he eventually did win it. The knife is named after him.

2. Stiletto Knife

Stiletto knife is basically an Italian knife. It is also a powerful knife made for combat and fighting purposes. This knife has a look of a dagger since it was actually a replacement of a dagger. It has a long, slender blade with a very sharp point on the blade, making it a knife that can penetrate deeply and cause severe injuries.

3. Machete Knife

A machete knife is in fact the most powerful fixed blade knife. It has an enormous blade and is mainly used for cutting meat. Anyways, it is extremely powerful and can be used for combat self defense, skinning and hunting purposes.

4. Skinning Knife

A skinning knife often has a powerful gut hook blade since it is to be used in skinning purposes. It has the blade power to field dress an animal. Skinning is a task that requires sharpness and power in a blade, and this knife does have that power to do the skinning work.

5. Brass Knuckle Knife

Brass knuckle knife is a fixed blade knife. The blade is fixed with the knuckles. You can wear the knuckles and use the blade for any purpose you want. It is a replica of the renowned trench knife used during the First World War. Today, it is used as a knife for combat and self defense.