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Rainbow Pocket Knife - The Knife You Would Love to Carry

Rainbow Pocket Knives

· Rainbow Knives
rainbow pocket knives

Rainbow knife is accepted to be the most delightful knife. The whole knife mirrors a rainbow, including the blade and the handle. Consequently, it looks incredibly brilliant and eminent. Furthermore, it isn't simply delightful, it is additionally really intentional.

There are two renditions of a rainbow knife, fixed blade and collapsing blade. The two adaptations are utilized for various purposes. Be that as it may, both are similarly worthwhile. Following are the reasons for which this knife is utilized:

Utility Tasks


Both collapsing and fixed blade renditions of the rainbow knife are utilized for utility work. The thing that matters is that the blade is more grounded in the fixed blade adaptation. Be that as it may, a foldable blade additionally has the solidarity to do utility assignments easily.


You can utilize this incredible knife to cut vegetables. You can strip leafy foods as your cutting knife. You can likewise utilize it as your knife for outdoors.

That is to say, you can cut ropes, branches, clear brush and plan cover. Moreover, you can utilize this knife for cutting wires, evacuating splinters and other such errands.

Self Defense

Don't simply believe that it is a wonderful knife, it is likewise a boss battling knife. In the event that you utilize a fixed blade adaptation, it turns into somewhat harder to convey, yet in the event that you spread the blade with a sheath, there is no issue in conveying it in your pocket.

In any case, the benefit of this variant is the quality. It can alarm the attacker and beat the damnation out of him. Likewise, you can utilize its collapsing rendition to manage the attacker also. Utilize any form; it guarantees your endurance.

Regular Carry

Rainbow knife is additionally a valuable EDC knife. This is another reason that it satisfies. You can convey it on a normal premise to complete your day by day cutting errands ease.

You can utilize this knife to open bundles, letters, canned items and jugs and so on. You can utilize it in your lawn for cutting grass, expelling branches that are not required.

Additionally, you can utilize it for cutting free strings from your dresses, actually, there are boundless purposes that this knife achieves, subsequently, it is an intentional knife!